Sunday, July 7, 2013

Spring Garden Tour 2013

Gardeners, what a great Tour we had this year!
Up and at 'em and at the first garden by 8am, we toured 8 gardens and were ready to party by 1pm. Thanks to Fred for providing a landing pad for the party, and to everyone who helped put it all together, providing such great and FRESH food (and yummy drinks!) Carmen, thanks for taking photos and Jenny for helping me out. Thanks to everyone for sharing plants and food from your own gardens with us!

I just gathered a few pictures from the tour on this blog, so not everyone's garden is represented below, but I'd love to put together a series of pictures that you've taken of your garden before and after the tour if you'd like to share them. As we discussed, the weather this year affected our crops, letting certain things flourish and making others lag behind our crops last year.
 Love to see what you guys are currently doing, and what the Fall will bring!

Thanks for participating, and we look forward to next year. Enjoy!

Pretty morning at the first garden on the tour.

 Serious discussion about the dirt in Diane's raised bed.

 Donnie's cucumber patch.

Donnie talking about his Peter Pecker Peppers (is that what he called them?)

 One of Brenda and Carl's pretty little women.

 Astounded visitors eyeing Herman's enormous onions. 

 Beverly's pretty flower garden.

 Mark digging potatoes for the Gardeners.

Fred making the Gardeners dig blue potatoes for him. :)

 And now we gather to eat!


 Seed exchanging.

 It's so much fun!

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