Monday, October 15, 2012


Jackalope Reflection (original 4' x 6' chalk pastel)

The weekend before last was the Round Rock Chalk Walk. The picture about is the result of about 15 hours of me on my knees in the middle of Main Street. Painful, but worth it. Round Rock recently made a great space in the middle of historic downtown with fountains that kids can play in, cool shade sails and a stage space, which was where the awards were held at the end of the day. The Chalk Walk festival is a fun event, with vendor booths selling food and things, and where families and everyone walks around watching local artists draw or "paint" with chalk pastels on the street. This was my first year to be involved, and I'm sure I'll be back next year. People walked by all day, talking about the drawing, interpreting it, and chatting with me.  It was interesting to hear how some people read deeper into the imagery then I had imagined! The kids were cute, bringing friends back to see the progress and explain how the baby Jackalope sees his reflection in the water. 

My Jackalope ended up winning second place overall, coming in second behind my first oil painting teacher, John Howell. He is the owner of Cordovan Art School, where I first went to paint oils, and one of the people who put on the festival. He did a pretty portrait of a girl painted by one of his favorite artists (at the moment, the name escapes me). My Jackalope ended up going through to the live auction and will find his new home in Austin. (An appropriate place for a Jakalope, no?) Since people really liked the piece, I had a scan of the 4 foot by 6 foot piece done, so that smaller prints can be made (posters, cards, etc.) If you have any interest, please let me know! Thanks to all our friends who came by, brought delicious coffee and donuts, bought voting tickets, and bid on my painting in the silent auction!